


About Mobilize


Get you to move

We aim to restore basic functions of your body by providing individualized exercises and training programs with our expertise. 


Get you to think

We prioritize identifying the cause of your problem and more importantly we educate you about how to prevent future relapses.


Get you to apply

We hope our patients can actively participate in their rehabilitation and achieve long-lasting therapeutic effects after resuming their daily activities or sports participation.


Get you to move

We aim to restore basic functions of your body by providing individualized exercises and training programs with our expertise. 


Get you to think

We prioritize identifying the cause of your problem and more importantly we educate you about how to prevent future relapses.


Get you to apply

We hope our patients can actively participate in their rehabilitation and achieve long-lasting therapeutic effects after resuming their daily activities or sports participation.

Our Team

Our team of registered physiotherapists are experienced in managing sports injuries, musculoskeletal pain, post-operative rehabilitation and postural corrections. All our services are provided at a one-on-one basis.

Avery Kung

Avery completed his Master’s degree in Manipulation and Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He started his career in one of the biggest hospitals in Hong Kong where he had extensive exposure in treating various musculoskeletal and sports injuries. During his practice, he realized that every patient is unique and that’s why different techniques and skills are necessary to achieve a better therapeutic effect. Therefore, he spent his leisure time attending different courses such as Acupuncture, Sports taping, Spinal Manipulation and Pilates etc. to equip himself for better preparation for different conditions of patients.

After his practice in public hospital, Avery changed his working environment into private settings. He worked in different private orthopedic clinics and collaborated with various specialists to enrich his knowledge.

About Avery

Avery is a keen sportsman who has led to a great interest in sports injury rehabilitation and exercise-based therapy. He is also a Certified Personal Trainer and Human Movement Specialist (Brookbush Institute accredited ACSM). Avery believes that active participation by patients is one of the key elements of rehabilitation and he enjoys setting up different exercises which fit his patients for recovery.

In 2020, Avery started Mobilize Physiotherapy Clinic in Mong Kok, Hong Kong. He aims to provide a high-quality environment and 1 to 1 treatment sessions to his patients with more interaction between therapist and patient.

  • Registered Physiotherapist (Hong Kong)
  • BSc (Hon) in Physiotherapy (HKPU)
  • MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy (HKPU)
  • Diploma in Acupuncture (HKPA Accredited)
  • DMA Clinical Pilates Practitioner
  • Certified Personal Trainer (Brookbush Institute Accredited by ACSM)
  • Certificate of Human Movement Specialist (Brookbush Institute Accredited by ACSM)
  • Certificate of Kinesiology Taping Techniques Masterclass
  • Certificate in Spinal Manipulation
  • Advanced Strength & Conditioning for Physiotherapists

Will Lam

Will graduated from the University of Sydney with Class I Honours. He then started working in Sydney in the private setting with a mixed clientele, including primarily musculoskeletal conditions and sports injuries across a wide age group. Will also had experience in community work where he provided offsite service including hydrotherapy, exercise groups, and home visits. Through his clinical experience, Will is nurturing into a patient-oriented clinician who focuses on treating individuals rather than impairments. In addition, Will acknowledges the diversity of treatment approaches on the market and every practitioner should be dedicated to continuous professional development despite completion of studies. Will has undertaken a number of courses to diversify his skillset.

About Will

Will plays a lot of basketball and goes to the gym at his free time. His strong passion in sports taught him the importance of active rehabilitation, where the focus of therapy should be on function and performance restoration rather than pain resolution. As part of the Mobilize team, Will is determined to promote the idea of active rehabilitation to the general public.

  • Registered Physiotherapist (Hong Kong)

  • Registered Physiotherapist (Australia)

  • BAppSc (Physiotherapy) (Class I Honours)

  • Certified Sports Physiotherapy Level 1 & 2 (Accredited by APA)

  • Certified ASCA Level 1 Strength & Conditioning Coach

  • Certified SFMA Level 1 Selective Functional Movement Assessment 

  • Certificate of Temporomandibular Joint (Accredited by APA)

  • Advanced Strength & Conditioning for Physiotherapists


Why Us?

One on one

Each therapist will handle the client for the whole treatment session to optimize service quality.


While passive treatments like manual therapy and electrophysical modalities may help control swelling and pain level, we believe in the active role of the client in their own rehabilitation, to tackle the root cause of the problem.


The clinic is located right next to Langham Place and 2 minutes away from exit E1 of Mong Kok MTR station.

Comprehensive assessment

We look beyond site of pain. Our therapists carry out assessment from head to toe, from static posture to dynamic movement, to look for both the source and the cause of pain. Our goal is to find out the root cause of the problem.

Tailor-made treatment

We individualize our treatment according to the needs and ability of the client. We accompany with the client for the whole rehab journey and help achieve his goal together.We aim to guide our clients every step of the way along their rehabilitation to achieve their goals.

Evidence-based practice

Our treatment takes into account for the latest scientific research, patient’s beliefs and own clinical experience.

Get in touch with our physiotherapists